Want to Learn More?
What is pre-canvassing?
“The ability to pre-canvass voted ballots is at the top of everyone’s list. That’s election directors, county commissioners…that’s probably what you’re hearing from a lot of your constituents or a lot of county election officials, yourselves. That’s at the very top.” — Deputy Secretary of State Jonathan Marks, March 18, 2021
Pre-canvassing is legally defined in Pennsylvania as preparing ballots and counting the votes on them. Many county election officials would like to start pre-canvassing mail ballots well before election day.
Protect Our Vote Philly has a primer and legislative review here: http://precanvass.povphilly.org/
Risk-limiting Audits (RLAs)
- This is a type of post-election audit that checks a sample of paper ballots to determine if the election results are accurate, where the number of ballots checked depends on how close the race was. In a race with a wide margin, fewer ballots are checked. In a close race, more are checked.
- For more details, see:
- Pennsylvania Department of State’s Post Election Audits page: https://www.vote.pa.gov/About-Elections/Pages/Post-Election-Audits.aspx
- National Conference of State Legislatures article “Checking the Election: Risk-Limiting Audits” https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/checking-the-election-risk-limiting-audits.aspx
Proposed Changes to PA Constitution
Spotlight PA published “A complete guide and amendment tracker for proposed changes to Pennsylvania’s Constitution” here: https://www.spotlightpa.org/news/2022/01/pennsylvania-constitution-amendments-tracker-complete-guide/
Other Organizations and Resources:
VoteSafe Pennsylvania cross-partisan coalition co-chaired by Tom Ridge (R) and Jennifer Granholm (D) to ensure every American has the right to vote safely and securely
Verified Voting Foundation nonpartisan organization advocating for accurate and verifiable elections
Secure Our Vote a national election security coalition
Brennan Center for Justice, policy institute at NYU School of law
Election Verification Network a national network of leaders working to improve U.S. elections
VotePA.us, nonpartisan organization advocating for election integrity in PA
SAVE Bucks Votes Citizens group in Bucks County, PA
Vote Allegheny Citizens group in Allegheny County, PA
SaveOurVotes.org Maryland’s citizens won paper ballots! We can too.
Andrew Appel’s Studies of Voting Technology Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University critiques Sequoia voting machines
American Statistical Association Election auditing team
Votes PA PA Dept. of State page where you can register to vote
Protect Our Vote Philly is a coalition working to bring accurate, accessible, and secure voting systems at a fair cost to Philadelphia and a watchdog over the Office of the City Commissioners, which operates Philadelphia’s elections.
Articles and Sources:
- Combatting a Real Threat to Election Integrity, July 8, 2017, New York Times Editorial Board
- Securing Elections from Foreign Interference, June 29, 2017, Brennan Center for Justice, Norden and Vandewalker
- The Truth About Russia, ‘Hacking” and the 2016 Election, June 25, 2017, thehill.com
- How to Protect Against Foreign Interference in Elections? Upgrade Voting Machines, March 27, 2017, Brennan Center for Justice, NYU Law School
- States Scramble for Funding to Upgrade Aging Voting Machines, March 12, 2017, Associated Press
- Congress: Do Not Eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, Feb. 7, 2017, brennancenter.org
- I Voted? 2016 Tribeca Film Festival Official Selection, Executive Producer Katie Couric
- Bipartisan Letter Seeks Single Inquiry into Russian Hacking Claims, Dec. 18, 2016, nytimes.com
- The Ticking Time Bomb in Pennsylvania’s Election System, Dec. 15, 2016, Philly.com
- Detroit Voting Machine Failures Were Widespread on Election Day, Dec. 13, 2016, Time.com
- Russia Intervened to help Trump Win Election: Intelligence Officials, Dec. 10, 2016, Reuters.com
- Georgia Says Someone in US Government Tried to Hack State’s Computers Housing Voter Data, Dec. 8, 2016, WSJ.com
- Yes, 17 Intelligence Agencies Really Did Say Russia Was Behind Hacking, Nov. 25, 2016, USAtoday.com
- Halderman: The presidential election was ‘probably not’ hacked — but the votes should be checked, Nov. 24, 2016, BusinessInsider.com
- People Urging a Vote Recount in PA, Nov. 23, 2016, phillymag.com
- Want to Know if the Election Was Hacked? Look at the Ballots, Nov. 23, 2016, medium.com
- Pew Research Center: on voting systems, Nov. 18, 2016, pewresearch.org
- Now is the Time to Replace Our Decrepit Voting Machines, Nov. 17, 2016, Slate.com
- Hackers Find Security Flaws in Some Voting Machines, Nov. 7, 2016, nbcnews.com
- Peace of Mind for a Tumultuous Election: Paper Trails and Risk-Limiting Audits, Nov. 3, 2016, huffingtonpost.com
- Claims that Texas Machines Changed Trump Votes to Clinton, Oct. 26, 2016, dallasnews.com
- Feds Believe Russia Hacked Florida Election-Systems Vendor, Oct. 12, 2016, CNN.com
- U.S. Official: Hackers Targeted Voter Registration Systems of 20 States, Sep, 30, 2016, Chicagotribune.com
- More State Election Databases Hacked Than Previously Thought, Sep. 28, 2016, cbsnews.com
- Opinion: Protect Our Voting Machines from Hackers, Aug. 12, 2016, Lawrence Norden, Brennan Center for Justice
- How to Hack an Election in 7 Minutes, Aug. 5, 2016, politico.com
- America’s Voting Machines At Risk, Sep. 15, 2015, brennancenter.org
- Ukraine Election Narrowly Avoided Wanton Destruction from Hackers, June 17, 2014, csmonitor.com
- Banfield v. Cortes, Sep. 10, 2014, The Public Interest Law Center
- Risk-Limiting Post-Election Audits, Oct. 2, 2008, Dept. of Statistics, UC Berkeley & Kansas State Univ
- Can you Count on Voting Machines?, Jan. 6, 2008, nytimes.com
- What Happened in Sarasota County, 2007, National Academy of Engineering
- Election Staff Convicted in Recount Rig, Jan. 24, 2007, Associated Press, Washingtonpost.com
- Broward Machines Count Backward, Nov. 5, 2004, Palm Beach Post
- High-Tech Voting System is Banned in California, May 1, 2004, nytimes.com
- The 2000 Campaign: The Florida Vote, Nov. 10, 2000, New York Times
- Hacking Democracy HBO documentary
- Video Demonstration of How to Hack a Voting Machine, Andrew Appel, Professor of Computer Science, Princeton University
Disclaimer: Citizens for Better Elections is a network of concerned citizens in Montgomery County. We include source links for factual information posted. Inclusion of links on our website does not equal endorsement. If you have a concern about information presented, please contact us.
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